Tony Hoare’s


The Old School


Hi, it’s me

I like programming languages

Thank you, Sir Tony, for

  • Quicksort
  • Axiomatic Semantics (Hoare Logic)
  • Monitors
  • Communicating Sequential Processes
  • The Billion Dollar Mistake
“Developments of processor technology suggest that a multiprocessor machine, constructed from a number of similar, self-contined processors (each with its own store), may become more powerful, capacious, reliable, and economical than a machine which is disguised as a monoprocessor.”

When did he say that?


Why did he write this paper?

There’s an issue with shared, mutable state.

Let’s see, what was that again...?


  • Hardware solutions? Expensive (well it used to be)
  • Software solutions? Semaphores, Mutexes, Atomic Operations, Monitors, Barriers, Countdowns, OH MY!

Hoare’s Seven Proposals

  1. Parallel command launches procs simultaneously and finishes when all the procs finish
  2. Simple input and output commands
  3. Unbuffered and synchronous on both sides
  4. Guards for nondeterminism
  5. Input commands in guards
  6. Input commands in loops
  7. Pattern matching to discriminate incoming messages
[cardreader?card || lineprinter!line]


[  room::ROOM
|| fork(i:0..4)::FORK
|| phil(i:0..4)::PHIL

X :: *[c:character; west?c -> east!c]
The ALLCAPS are not variables—just metalinguistic placeholders for actual code

CSP the “language”

  • Not intended to be a full language

  • Explicit naming of processes on both ends, rather than channels
  • Rejection of asychronous buffers
  • Very static...Names and sizes of processor arrays specified in advance
  • Later, CSP became a process algebra


CmdList  ::= (Decl ';' | Cmd ';')* Cmd
Cmd      ::= 'skip' | Assn | In | Out | Alt | Loop | Parallel
Parallel ::= '[' Proc # '||' ']'
Proc     ::= Label? CmdList
Label    ::= id (Sub # ',')? '::'
Sub      ::= Primary | Range
Primary  ::= num | id
Range    ::= id ':' Primary '..' Primary
Assn     ::= Var ':=' Exp
Exp      ::= num | str | id | id? '(' (Exp # ',')? ')'
Var      ::= id | id? '(' (Var # ',')? ')'
In       ::= Name '?' Var
Out      ::= Name '!' Exp
Name     ::= Id ('(' Exp_int # ',' ')')?
Loop     ::= '*' Alt
Alt      ::= '[' GCmd # '▯' ']'
GCmd     ::= (Range # ',')? Guard '->' CmdList
Guard    ::= GList | In | GList ';' In
GList    ::= (Exp_bool | Decl) # ';'


(x, y)
...Hoare used () for arrays but I don’t like that.


  • Unspecified, come from some kind of host language apparently
  • But of course we want +, * =, >, , etc.
  • Same for types, we should have at least int, bool, string

Assignments Matching

n := n * 2 + 1
p := person(name, age)
person(name, age) := q
person(name, age) := person("alice", 29)
c := P()
P() := c
e := player(class(3), loc(88,173))
(x,y) := (y,x)
To match, must have same structure and same type. Assignment fails if no match.

Input and Output

DIV ! (3*a+b, 13)
X ? (x,y)
console(j-1) ! "A"
console(i) ? c
sem ! P()
X(i) ? V()
Wait for each other. Must match. Assigns. Fails if other side already terminated.

Guarded Commands

Not a top-level command!

i ≤ 80 -> X!cardimage[i]
(i:0..4)phil(i)?enter() -> diners := diners + 1
(x < 5; c := 10; true; y > c -> x := x + 1
Execute command list only if guard succeeds
Evaluate guard elements left-to-right
false is fail

Alternatives (Choices)

[ x ≥ y -> m := x ▯ y ≥ x -> m := y ]
[ c ≠ "*" -> east!c ▯ c = "*" -> west?c ]
[ i < 124 -> i := i+1
▯ i = 125 -> printer!line; i := 1
Arbitrarily select one of the ready command lists
If all guards fail, the whole command fails

Repetitives (Loops)

*[i ≤ 80 -> X!card]
*[X?V() -> val := val+1
▯ val > 0; Y?P() -> val := val-1
Loop as long as at least one guard succeeds
If all guards fail, the loop exits cleanly

Parallel Composition

[a::A || b::B || c::C || d::D]
[a(1)::printer!1 || a(2)::printer!4 || a(3)::printer!9 ]
The parallel command ends when all commands have finished
It succeeds iff all sub-commands succeed

Example: Division (slow)

[ DIV :: *[x,y: integer, X?(x,y) ->
    quot, rem: integer; quot := 0; rem := x;
    *[ rem ≥ y -> rem := rem - y; quot := quot + 1 ];
    X!(quot, rem)
  X :: USER

Example: Factorial

[ fac(i:1..limit) ::
  *[n: integer, fac(i-1)?n ->
     [ n = 0 -> fac(i-1)!1
     ▯ n > 0 -> fac(i+1)!n-1;
                       r:integer; fac(i+1)?r;
  fac(0) :: USER

Example: Buffer (as a Process)

Q ::
  buffer: [0..9]object;
  in, out: integer; in := 0; out := 0;

  *[ in < out+10; producer?buffer[in mod 10] ->
       in := in+1

   ▯ out < in; consumer?more() ->
       consumer!buffer[out mod 10];
       out := out + 1
producer invokes Q!obj
consumer invokes Q!more(); Q?obj

Example: Dining Philosophers

(Deadlock possible)

[room::ROOM || fork(i:0..4)::FORK || phil(i:0..4)::PHIL]

where ROOM =
  diners: integer; diners := 0;
  *[ (i:0..4)phil(i)?enter() -> diners := diners + 1
   ▯ (i:0..4)phil(i)?exit() -> diners := diners - 1

and FORK =
  *[ phil(i)?pickup() -> phil(i)?putdown()
   ▯ phil(i-1 mod 5)?pickup() -> phil(i-1 mod 5)?putdown()

and PHIL =
  *[ THINK;
     fork(i)!pickup(); fork(i+1 mod 5)!pickup();
     fork(i)!putdown(); fork(i+1 mod 5)!putdown();

Hoare’s Suggestion

Concurrency and communication should be regarded as primitives of programming (not unlike assignment, sequencing, choice, repetition, and functional abstraction).

So...Who uses this stuff today?

Well, sort of...

  • The sender names the receiver but not vice-versa
  • All communication is asynchronous
  • To make it synchronous, pass your process id to the receiver then wait on a response

Warning: Hacky, Inefficient Example

Just to show a wee bit of Erlang
main(_) ->
  Max = 1000,
  Printer = spawn(printer, print_server, [self()]),
    fun (N) ->
      spawn(prime_checker, is_prime, [N, Printer])
    lists:seq(2, Max)),

wait(0) -> io:format("~n");
wait(N) -> receive _ -> wait(N-1) end.
You didn’t think Erlang had loops, did you?

Inificiently checking primes here...

Perhaps a good example tho


is_prime(N, Observer) ->
  (fun Check(D) ->
      D * D > N ->           % No more divisors
        Observer ! N;
      N rem D == 0 ->        % Composite
        Observer ! false;
      true ->                % Keep looking

A super generic integer printer

Yep, I’m a server!

print_server(Observer) ->
    N when is_integer(N) ->
      io:format("~p ", [N]),
      Observer ! true;
    _ ->
      Observer ! false

Who else?

But with channels, not named processes

Channels are synchronous (by default)

package main

import "fmt"

func Example() {
    ch := make(chan string)
    go func() {ch <- "Hello, world"}()
    // Output: Hello, world

You can have a buffered channel, too

func generateMessages(ch chan string, n int) {
  for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    ch <- "Hello"

func main() {
  messages := make(chan string, 5)
  go generateMessages(messages, 100)
  for message := range messages {

Concurrent Sieve! (by Rob Pike, I think)

func generate(first chan<- int) {
  for i := 2; ; i++ {
    first <- i

func filter(in <-chan int, out chan<- int, prime int) {
  for {
    candidate := <-in
    if candidate % prime != 0 {
      out <- candidate

func main() {
  ch := make(chan int)
  go generate(ch)
  for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
    prime := <-ch
    nextCh := make(chan int)
    go filter(ch, nextCh, prime)
    ch = nextCh

CSP in Go

“Implementing these examples, and the careful reading of the paper required to do so, were a very enlightening experience. I found the iterative array of 4.2, the concurrent routines changing their behavior execution of 4.5, and the highly concurrent matrix multiplication of 6.2 to be particularly interesting.”

Wrap Up

  • Originally a language, later a process algebra
  • No shared memory, just message passing
  • Synchronous, unbuffered, named sender and receiver
  • Influence on Erlang, Go, many other languages
  • You should check out the Go visualizations and CSP in Go
  • Start thinking concurrently. And reread the paper.

Thanks to


and @cateches