Tony Hoare’s
Thank you, Sir Tony, for
“Developments of processor technology suggest that a multiprocessor machine, constructed from a number of similar, self-contined processors (each with its own store), may become more powerful, capacious, reliable, and economical than a machine which is disguised as a monoprocessor.”
There’s an issue with shared, mutable state.
Let’s see, what was that again...?
[cardreader?card || lineprinter!line] [west::DISSASEMBLE || X::SQUASH || east::ASSEMBLE] [ room::ROOM || fork(i:0..4)::FORK || phil(i:0..4)::PHIL ] X :: *[c:character; west?c -> east!c]
CmdList ::= (Decl ';' | Cmd ';')* Cmd Cmd ::= 'skip' | Assn | In | Out | Alt | Loop | Parallel Parallel ::= '[' Proc # '||' ']' Proc ::= Label? CmdList Label ::= id (Sub # ',')? '::' Sub ::= Primary | Range Primary ::= num | id Range ::= id ':' Primary '..' Primary Assn ::= Var ':=' Exp Exp ::= num | str | id | id? '(' (Exp # ',')? ')' Var ::= id | id? '(' (Var # ',')? ')' In ::= Name '?' Var Out ::= Name '!' Exp Name ::= Id ('(' Exp_int # ',' ')')? Loop ::= '*' Alt Alt ::= '[' GCmd # '▯' ']' GCmd ::= (Range # ',')? Guard '->' CmdList Guard ::= GList | In | GList ';' In GList ::= (Exp_bool | Decl) # ';'
17 "string" n person("alice",age) employee("bob",home("pasadena","ca","usa")) P() (x, y) cons(a,100) line[80]
, *
, >
, ≤
, etc.
, string
n := n * 2 + 1 p := person(name, age) person(name, age) := q person(name, age) := person("alice", 29) c := P() P() := c e := player(class(3), loc(88,173)) (x,y) := (y,x)To match, must have same structure and same type. Assignment fails if no match.
DIV ! (3*a+b, 13)
X ? (x,y)
console(j-1) ! "A"
console(i) ? c
sem ! P()
X(i) ? V()
Not a top-level command!
i ≤ 80 -> X!cardimage[i]
(i:0..4)phil(i)?enter() -> diners := diners + 1
(x < 5; c := 10; true; y > c -> x := x + 1
[ x ≥ y -> m := x ▯ y ≥ x -> m := y ]
[ c ≠ "*" -> east!c ▯ c = "*" -> west?c ]
[ i < 124 -> i := i+1
*[i ≤ 80 -> X!card]
*[X?V() -> val := val+1
[a::A || b::B || c::C || d::D]
[a(1)::printer!1 || a(2)::printer!4 || a(3)::printer!9 ]
[ DIV :: *[x,y: integer, X?(x,y) ->
quot, rem: integer; quot := 0; rem := x;
*[ rem ≥ y -> rem := rem - y; quot := quot + 1 ];
X!(quot, rem)
[ fac(i:1..limit) ::
*[n: integer, fac(i-1)?n ->
[ n = 0 -> fac(i-1)!1
▯ n > 0 -> fac(i+1)!n-1;
r:integer; fac(i+1)?r;
fac(0) :: USER
Q ::
buffer: [0..9]object;
in, out: integer; in := 0; out := 0;
*[ in < out+10; producer?buffer[in mod 10] ->
in := in+1
▯ out < in; consumer?more() ->
consumer!buffer[out mod 10];
out := out + 1
Q!more(); Q?obj
[room::ROOM || fork(i:0..4)::FORK || phil(i:0..4)::PHIL]
where ROOM =
diners: integer; diners := 0;
*[ (i:0..4)phil(i)?enter() -> diners := diners + 1
▯ (i:0..4)phil(i)?exit() -> diners := diners - 1
and FORK =
*[ phil(i)?pickup() -> phil(i)?putdown()
▯ phil(i-1 mod 5)?pickup() -> phil(i-1 mod 5)?putdown()
and PHIL =
fork(i)!pickup(); fork(i+1 mod 5)!pickup();
fork(i)!putdown(); fork(i+1 mod 5)!putdown();
Concurrency and communication should be regarded as primitives of programming (not unlike assignment, sequencing, choice, repetition, and functional abstraction).
Warning: Hacky, Inefficient Example
Just to show a wee bit of Erlangmain(_) ->
Max = 1000,
Printer = spawn(printer, print_server, [self()]),
fun (N) ->
spawn(prime_checker, is_prime, [N, Printer])
lists:seq(2, Max)),
wait(0) -> io:format("~n");
wait(N) -> receive _ -> wait(N-1) end.
Inificiently checking primes here...
Perhaps a good example tho
is_prime(N, Observer) ->
(fun Check(D) ->
D * D > N -> % No more divisors
Observer ! N;
N rem D == 0 -> % Composite
Observer ! false;
true -> % Keep looking
A super generic integer printer
Yep, I’m a server!-module(printer).
print_server(Observer) ->
N when is_integer(N) ->
io:format("~p ", [N]),
Observer ! true;
_ ->
Observer ! false
But with channels, not named processes
Channels are synchronous (by default)
package main
import "fmt"
func Example() {
ch := make(chan string)
go func() {ch <- "Hello, world"}()
// Output: Hello, world
You can have a buffered channel, too
func generateMessages(ch chan string, n int) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
ch <- "Hello"
func main() {
messages := make(chan string, 5)
go generateMessages(messages, 100)
for message := range messages {
Concurrent Sieve! (by Rob Pike, I think)
func generate(first chan<- int) {
for i := 2; ; i++ {
first <- i
func filter(in <-chan int, out chan<- int, prime int) {
for {
candidate := <-in
if candidate % prime != 0 {
out <- candidate
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
go generate(ch)
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
prime := <-ch
nextCh := make(chan int)
go filter(ch, nextCh, prime)
ch = nextCh
“Implementing these examples, and the careful reading of the paper required to do so, were a very enlightening experience. I found the iterative array of 4.2, the concurrent routines changing their behavior execution of 4.5, and the highly concurrent matrix multiplication of 6.2 to be particularly interesting.”
and @cateches